Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Crazy day... crazy life...

So if some of you have facebook, and you seen my status.... I had quite the day... or okay quite the week....

A tramatic birth... which turned into a crazy stressed out baby check as well. However I still don't have any news about my patient... praying she comes in at 10am for baby check up and a note from the doctor. (sat-birth and baby check monday swing)

I finally got to sleep Monday at 1 am, then woke up at 4:30 and couldn't get back to sleep : ( ... however I soon feel asleep again at 6 and woke up at 10 ... later then I would of like but oh well...

So I started my day by riding a motor to kanga a local coffee shop... BLT, Mango smoothie, and a cinaroo... lami (yummy cinabun with apples and yummy carmel)... then a skype date with my dad, and facebook/skype chats with a few friends.... All awhile reasearching online some sources for my assignment.... So around noon Ashton joined me at Kanaga and we worked on out assignment, the sun was out, nice air con inside kanga ( almost chilly cold like 84) couldn't be better having coffee, working on my assignment... glad to be inside away from the 90+ (105 with humidity) weather outside.

At 3 i get a text asking if I could switch shift and work night shift... sure I love night shifts... I really do I had 4 last week. : ) However I was working day shift... so I spent an hour or 2 trying to find people to switch shift... finally I got it to work... I would work night tonight and thursday and then swing sun, and the other two girls would take day and then sat swing... okay everything seemed peachy...

Around 6 it started to get cloudy and humid...then rain... nothing new.... Ashton and I would get our regular fried fish special that was served from 6-8 and then go home... I could even get 3 hour nap in yay!! I was wrong... it instead turned into another crazy Davao Adventure.... However we finish out dinner by 6:30 the road outside of kanga was a lake....we tried texting a taxi but no reply.... thunder lightening.... cats and dogs rain.... what to do???

So I decided to walk outside and get a taxi... roll up my pants and head out the door... The overhang outside kanga didn't help because of the wind.... so.... i was dripping wet... Put I still tried to flag down a taxi..... all full... since it was raining cats and dogs... the streets were flooded and all the taxis were full or had hazard lights and they were waiting out the rain and not taking passangers.

6:45pm...still outside, soaking wet... I'm mid-calf deep in water and still rising... the lighten is getting louder... closer together, I am standing under a small patio porch set up trying to keep out of the rain... I really didn't mind the rain...However that was the least of my worries...Then all I see is this white huge flash/spark and I jump back... the car not 2 feet in front just gets hit by lightening... its gleaming silver and random sparks bursting all around it... and at the same time the car alarm goes off, (then the huge Crack...BOOM I jump back again reliezing what just happened.) I take a few steps back, and looks across the street the building next door then the cell phone tower gets hit by a bult of lightening... the owner of the car turns off the alarm but then.... the car alarm continues to go off with each boom and flash lighten... (which I found quite interesting..) ....

Oh what am I doing...

I just want to be home... Why can't I just be on the balcony at the orange house watching this storm in the comfort of my house.... ( I normally watch each rain storm and or thunder storm while sitting on the railing of the orange house.... unless I have shift... its my time to spend with the Lord, enjoy the soft rain, the wind, the humidity is gome for just awhile..yay... perfect amazing Jesus time... listen to music, or just stand in awe of each thunder bult that roams across the sky) At this point still no taxi... nothing...

Finally around 7pm a taxi comes... I go back inside and get my computer, and Ashton. So we are on our way home...I can do this go home, sleep for an hour... yay... ummm.... maybe not.... The roads are flooded... the water starts coming closer and higher... the taxi driver kept repeating "mam I don't think I get you home" "I can't get you home".... maybe another way... maybe"... see he turns around still heavy rain is coming down... the water get higher... again he turns around... " mam I only know one more road" ... then its change of subject....mam " can I take you sa yellow house (another coffee shop) Bos?" Okay yellow house, its close, sure.... so we drive some more... um... the water is rising and so yellow house is out of the question..... So back to Kanga..... What else could we do... we were stuck...

So Finally we texted a few people and nothing...we had to wait it out.... So we got a coffee and tried to figure out a route home that didn't involve the main roads that were flooded... We facebooked a Philipina midwife and got another route home.. at about 8:30... so we decided to start trying to find a taxi... nothin..... At this time it almost 9pm and we had been trying to get home since 6:30pm, and I had shift in an hour... (keep in ming kanga is maybe a mile to walk or little more... but flooded streets pouring rain, its dark, we have our computer and few books) , during the day its a nice walk to kanga...

At 9pm Heather a supervisor at Mercy sent a text... that she would try and get us.... since I had night shift and all the 2nd years were gone for the evening, so I couldn't find coverage to just sit and wait out the rain....yay the Boswells to the rescue.... At 9:30pm Manny and Heather picked us up in the VW van and we were off though the flooded street.... finally 15 min later.... home sweet home... 9:47 perfect timing... I could grab a quick shower rinse off the nasty muddy water off my legs, my pant and change for shift... 9:53 I made it ...yay no sleep I can handle that.... and a crazy story to in the end... not a bad day!

However the story doesn't end here... its quiet at least right now ... but you never know... 12:30 in the morning a lot can happen before 6am....

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